Oakville Mixed-use Development Project
Oakville Tringle is a 12.31 acre site located in the City of Alexandria’s Oakville Triangle Small Area Plan. It is bounded by Mount Jefferson Park, Route 1, Calvert Avenue and Fannon Street. The site is broken up into four blocks (A-D). Block A is made up of two distinct subblocks, Block A1 and A2. Block A1 consists of multifamily residential apartments; retail; and a concrete podium comprised of two levels of below grade parking structure which spans all of Block A. Block A2 shall contain an Inova Healthplex. The Inova Healthplex is being designed and constructed by others. Block B will be comprised of a multifamily residential apartment building; retail; and a concrete podium comprised of two levels of below grade parking. Block C contains the existing self-storage building and a new roughly 0.75-acre public park. Block D shall contain townhomes. The townhomes will be designed and constructed by others.
For any questions or comments on the development, please reach out via email to oakvilletriangle@stonebridge.us.com.
Notice to our neighbors:
There will be ongoing road work around the project for the next several weeks as our construction team begins milling and paving operations. See the map diagram attached with dates for paving on each road associated with the Oakville project. During these paving operations, the construction team will maintain traffic, but parking will be limited or restricted.
If there are any questions about this operation, please reach out to the project email address OakvilleTriangle@stonebridge.us.com
Block A: Excavation work is ongoing, with trucks hauling dirt off site daily. A concrete pour is scheduled for Thursday 6/16 (weather permitting).
Block B: Excavation work is ongoing, with trucks hauling dirt off site daily.
Mount Jefferson Park: Stormwater pipe installation ongoing and soon to be complete. Miscellaneous grading work is ongoing, and retaining wall erection to start this week.
Calvert – NCC finishing electrical conduit at the intersection of Calvert/Route 1. Once finished, Dominion will start to pull cable in the next few weeks.
Calvert – Washington Gas work starting this week on the east end of Calvert; anticipated duration of 3 weeks.
Fannon – Stormwater pipe work to start on Fannon near the intersection of Route 1 next week.
Upcoming milestone activities: Mount Jefferson Park and Major Utility Infrastructure projected to be complete October 2022.
Attached are the slides that were presented at the community meeting on 1/4 and below is the link to the full drawings from the City. We are working on getting the video presentation uploaded to the website for everyone to view and will post soon.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at oakvilletriangle@stonebridge.us.com
Mount Jefferson Park Improvements Online Community Pre-Construction Meeting
Stonebridge will host a virtual community meeting about construction of improvements to Mount Jefferson Park (2300 Richmond Hwy.) Stonebridge will provide information about construction of the project anticipated to begin in January 10th.
The online meeting will take place Tuesday, January 4th starting at 6:30 PM.
Please join the webinar using this link:
Passcode: 378994
Or One tap mobile :
US: +13126266799,,89428141583# or +19292056099,,89428141583#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782
Webinar ID: 894 2814 1583
International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kb1aWky2Q
Stonebridge, the developers of the adjacent Oakville Triangle development, will construct the park improvements. Construction will take place between the 300 Block of East Raymond Ave. and Route 1 (Richmond Hwy). For information about the approved Mount Jefferson Park Improvements visit: https://www.alexandriava.gov/83168
For additional information, contact Jimmy Kukral, Stonebridge, at oakvilletriangle@stonebridge.us.com or visit the project website at https://oakville.stonebridge.us.com/
Thanks for visiting the Oakville Project Website. We will be posting periodic updates on the progress of construction and any other updates to the website.
If you have any immediate questions, please email oakvilletriangle@stonebridge.us.com.